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Sweeten family lunch boxes with cute, positive, encouraging and fun messages. You will be surprise at how effective this is in building deeper relationships with your children.

Photo Purchased from Shutterstock

When was the last time you opened your lunch box and had an unexpected surprise that got you smiling cheek to cheek. You can create these special moments now by writing or drawing small fun messages and ‘secretly’ placing them in your children’s school lunch boxes.

Imagine the smiles and special feeling which warms the heart and shows them that you are thinking of them. Both adults and children love surprises! What better way to beginning the New Year 2020 by making a resolution to place lunch boxes messages for your love ones.

We share the experience of one of our TAmums Toni Van Rooyen; who started this beautiful effort to bring smiles, love, excitement and fun to her children’s lunches.

Toni  is currently completing her Certificate 3 in Education Support by Eastern College Australia at Berwick Lodge Primary School. What started as a sharing session in class soon manifested into action at home.

“My children are always looking forward to the next day lunch boxes messages,” shared Toni. To Toni’s surprise, her older child Hunter left her and his brothers a surprise in their lunch boxes.

Hunter’s message to his Mum Toni –
Dear Mum hope you have a productive day at school. Love Hunter xoxo

Hunter’s surprise note in Mum Toni’s Lunch Box (Photo Courtesy: Toni)

Hey! why stop at lunch boxes. Toni uses this awesome technique to bring smiles at the dinner table too!

Toni’s messages for her family at the dinner table. (Photo Courtesy: Toni)

Effects of placing positive notes in lunch boxes:

– Promotes healthy family relationships

– Creates a sense of acceptance

– Establishes self-worth and confidence

– Create suspense on what the next note will say

– Children learn to treasure relationships and respect for one another

– A child learns a behaviour modelled after an adult.

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By TAmums for TAs

Over the past years of the course at Berwick Lodge PS, our TAmums students have actively contributed to growing the resources which we as mums and teachers can utilise at home and school. This repository is dedicated to all TAmums who bring dedication, fulfillment and satisfaction to their support role in enriching young minds for optimum learning outcomes.